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Lower Extremity Tendinopathy

Lower Extremity Tendinopathy

Current research has changed the way we approach tendon rehabilitation and many therapists (myself included) are switching up their treatment plans in favor of better results. When a tendon becomes pathologic, or reactive, 9 times out of 10 this is due to overload relative to the activity it is used to. Overload can be as…

Squatting Do’s & Don’ts

Squatting Do’s & Don’ts

We get asked quite frequently “Is it bad to do squats for a work out?” “How can I protect my spine during work outs?” “It hurts my low back when I’m squatting, do I need to quit?” After observing the squat position of many of our patients, I would prefer to say they should not…

Physical Therapy & Osteoarthritis

Physical Therapy & Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects more than 27 million Americans and is the primary cause of long-term disability (Lawrence, et al and Walker, Helena). The risk of developing lower-body osteoarthritis (OA) – for example, in the hip and/or knee joints – is 4 times higher for persons that are obese in comparison…

Postoral Restoration Boiled Down

Postoral Restoration Boiled Down

We get asked a lot to explain what Postural Restoration is in simple terms. Indeed, the concepts are not simple – and in most healthcare providers’ opinions, the ideas are a bit peculiar. The basis of Postural Restoration lies in an understanding of our anatomy and an appreciation that our bodies are not symmetrical and never will be. The…

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