Physical Therapy

The most important part of training with STAR is achieving optimal results with our clients


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problems, but your body isn’t one

So how do we get there?


Orthopedic rehabilitation is inherently a movement-oriented science. The care you receive from STAR is built around movement – from gentle, simple actions that help you recover normal posture and functions to complex, challenging tasks that rebuild strength and restore full dynamic activity.


Our integrated manual approach to therapy is built on understanding the relationships between the neurological, respiratory, circulatory, muscular and vestibular systems. The best way to help patients recover is to make sure every part of your body works in concert towards your goals.


STAR relies on proven methodologies to create rehabilitation programs, but that doesnʼt mean theyʼre designed with a cookie cutter. Every STAR client receives a program customized just for you and your specific clinical situation. This combination of science and personalization sets STAR care apart.


When appropriate, STAR augments your program with treatments like traction, ultrasound, laser therapy, heat/cold, or electrical stimulation – if any of these are indicated for pain relief or tissue healing, STAR will provide them at the highest level.

Our services come in all shapes & sizes

Click on each type of service below to learn more about our offerings.

STAR Physical Therapy is the first certified Postural Restoration clinic in Central Texas. Postural Restoration is based on the concept of eliminating unwanted muscle tension as it develops in the body. This muscle tension may be the result of many things, including but not limited to: asymmetrical thorax, spine, and hip alignment, trauma, habitual movement patterns, and as a response to stress. When excessive muscle tension is present, there is a shortening of muscle. This places abnormal forces on the bones and other soft tissues that support them. This is observed during a physical therapy examination as a reduction inflexibility, range of motion, strength, or proper posture. The result is pain that may develop at the site of the muscle tension or at some distant location as the body compensates. Relaxation of excessive muscle tension is necessary to achieve neutral posture, full range of motion, strength, flexibility, and ultimately to reduce the abnormal forces in the area of pain, so that tissue healing and subsequent pain reduction can occur. Postural Restoration activities – including both manual techniques and exercise sequences – are designed to accomplish such relaxation. This creates relief of pain and also allows normalized movement to occur.

The McKenzie Method is a style of treatment originating from New Zealand, that is based on the premise that repeatedly moving the spine in specific directions can ‘centralize’ and in many cases eliminate pain in the back or neck, or pain occurring in the arms or legs that is associated with spinal injury or disease. A central idea of the McKenzie Method is that self-healing and self-treatment are important for a patient’s pain relief and rehabilitation. It utilizes exercises that patients can and are expected to do independently. However, ‘McKenzie’ is also an overall program of assessment, treatment and prevention strategies (including exercise) that are usually most effective when learned and performed under the guidance of a physical therapist who is trained in the method. The long-term goal of physical therapy using the McKenzie Method is to teach patients suffering from neck pain and/or back pain how to treat themselves and to manage their pain – using exercise and other strategies. Other goals include rapid pain reduction, fast return to normal daily functioning, minimizing the need for further more complicated medical interventions, and reducing the risk of chronic or recurrent spinal pain.

Manual Therapy is a clinical approach to orthopedic physical therapy that utilizes highly skilled and specific hands-on techniques, which may include manipulation/mobilization of joints, soft tissue mobilization, mobilization of neural tissue, or assisted movement or stretching. Such manual techniques are used by the physical therapist to evaluate and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of decreasing pain, increasing range of motion (ROM), reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation, inducing relaxation, improving tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability, enabling or encouraging movement, and improving function. Physical therapists with advanced certification in manual therapy have also been trained according to a model of examination and treatment that focuses on the root causes of pain rather than solely on symptoms. This allows a comprehensive and very effective style of treatment for a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders.

Vestibular Rehabilitation is the treatment of dizziness and balance disorders. The vestibular system coordinates a person’s posture and balance. When it is impaired, a person may feel dizzy and/or nauseated, and may have difficulty with standing, walking, and other physical movements. They may avoid activities, or learn to compensate with altered movement patterns that can ultimately lead to pain or other muscular dysfunctions. Vestibular therapy can include head, eye, and body exercises that can treat the symptoms of dizziness and imbalance. Individual treatment programs may also include other strength and conditioning exercises to improve function which may have been impaired by a patient’s vestibular disorder.

Active Release Technique is a patented soft tissue system that incorporates massage and active movement to treat dysfunctions in tendons, muscles, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. These dysfunctions are exemplified by pain as well as decreased range of motion and strength. Dysfunction around nerves can lead to numbness, tingling, and weakness. Active Release Technique can be employed to relieve a multitude of conditions including neck pain, back pain, headaches, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and peripheral nerve entrapment to name a few. These conditions can be caused by a multitude of factors including acute trauma (fall, collision, etc), repetitive micro trauma (desk work), or decreased oxygen to the tissue (poor posture). Mobilizing tissues affected by trauma can be essential for pain relief.

Hand Therapy is the specialized treatment of the upper limb, which includes the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder girdle. A Certified Hand Therapist has had extensive advanced training in rehabilitation of the arm, which results in expert care for this extremely complicated and important portion of the body. Hand Therapy involves manual techniques, exercise activities, and the use of modalities. It also at times includes splinting and/or bracing, to protect healing tissues or to improve tolerance to normal functions on the job, during daily life, or in recreational activities.

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Our licensed massage therapist and PTA, Jennifer Reese, offers sports-style massage. She utilizes many manual skills including myofascial release to address pain, stiffness, and soreness in the body. Give our office a call to schedule an hour ($70) or half hour ($45) appointment with her. This service is not billable to insurance at this time.

Dry needling is a technique that relieves muscle pain and tension by targeting trigger points, leading to improved range of motion and enhanced muscle function. It promotes quick results and can be combined with other therapies for comprehensive pain management.

Start Your Journey

Contact us today to begin your personalized recovery journey and achieve optimal wellness with our expert therapeutic services.